Our Story
On Mother's Day of 2009, we took a right turn onto Flockerzi Road and were intrigued by a “For Sale” sign that rested between a tired old dairy barn and a hidden farmhouse. As we explored the property, we came upon heirloom roses, ancient apple trees, and grapevines that aspired to climb to the tops of seventy-foot hemlocks. We explored streams, marveled at the waves of wildflowers, and eased ourselves down the moss-covered steps to the lower level of the springhouse. By the end of that summer, our five children were convinced that we had lost our minds when we became the proud owners of sixty acres of woods and fields, as well as an 1870 farmhouse that had never encountered a cell phone signal nor hosted a computer. Had we turned left that day, we would have never discovered all the joys that Flockerzi Farm had in store for us. I guess it was meant to be…
After several years of home renovations, we turned our attention to the twenty-six apple trees that littered the ground with thousands of apples of heirloom varieties. We purchased an antique press to try our hand at cider-making. “Cider Sundays” filled our family’s autumn calendar.To support our new apple dabble, we planted a young orchard to start a grafting program to preserve the antique varieties which were producing amazing cider for our family and friends. We fenced in both the young and old apple trees and read everything we could get our hands on to inspire our cidery.
We convinced our neighbor to plow three large flower beds in our orchard so we could put in some flowers to attract pollinators to our little orchard. Well, the apple trees are still gifting us with cider, and the bees buzz between the rows; however, the joy of giving away bouquets of flowers captivated us and launched us into a flower farm and wedding design studio that was meant to be. What a delight to be able to grow, harvest and design florals for our children’s weddings…

“Meant to Bee provided the flowers for our wedding and they were amazing. Our florals were so beautiful. We couldn't have asked for better service” - Morgan